Sunday, May 1, 2011


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BigAssZin60.pngYou bring wine to parties or to your host and you want to be as thoughtful as can be.  I know that about you and that is why I want to share some ideas on how to be memorable.   Bring a BIG ASS ZIN or a BIG ASS CAB.  Heh heh.  You will be remembered.  These get their name from the big taste and so you know, they have a smooth finish on the tongue.  Their corks say Big Ass, which you must admit, is conversational.  The artwork on the label is precious as well, the gentleman wears an impressed expression. Here you will find something fun to do with the cork if you had a memorable event and are saving it.
rexgoliathshiraz.jpgOk, say a BIG ASS is not your thing, I get that.  Really, I do.  Something refined and vintage suits your palate and style.  I recommend a classic, large cock.  Rex Goliath to be exact.  The label comes from a vintage poster and speaks of your fine standards and what you offer.  This large tasting line of wines has a Cabernet, Merlot, Cab Sauvignon, Chardonnay, and Pinot Grigio.  The prices range from about $5-$10 American dollars.  The wine bottle has so nice a label that you may not want to throw it away which is why I used mine for watering my plants... fill it with water and shove the mouth down into the soil like this here.

6a00d834519bc269e20115706d093b970c-pi.jpg  The more elegant affair 
calls for a LITTLE BLACK DRESS wine.  They come in Cab’s, Pinot’s, Merlot’s, Chard’s.  Yeah, yeah, blah, blah.  Hey, you can do something fun with you wines and make them into light cocktails to serve or include the recipe with your gift.  You need a shaker, get one!  This wine cocktail recipe for a LBD Fashionista comes from MY WOODEN SPOON DOT  COM.  You’ll find several other recipes there for your enjoyment.

  • 2 oz Little Black Dress Pinot Noir
  • ½ oz Pomegranate
  • ½ oz Fresh Squeeze Lime
  • ½ oz Agave Nectar
In a shaker filled with ice, add all ingredients, roll to mix and transfer to a tall glass. Garnish with a lime wedge.

Also fun to try:

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If these remind you of the people you know and love and want to bring a fond smile to their faces, I hope you'll drop by your local winery.

I would love if you left the name of your favorite wine in the comments section.  Especially if it is a white wine, I have never met a white wine I like so I hope someone can recommend one.

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