Monday, May 13, 2013

5 Things You Are Doing Wrong on Facebook

5 things you are doing wrong on Facebook.

  1. You don’t have a Facebook Fan (Business, Company) Page. Many of you sign on to Facebook because you want to do business but you do not know there are pages for business that show how many people saw your post or any of the other helpful graphs and analytical tools that Facebook offers to help improve the effectiveness of your reach.
  2. You are not using Facebook. You do not use Facebook to post regularly. You do not add content. You are not being someone people can relate to. You are not being engaging. More engagement on Facebook adds up to more people who will engage with you which in turn equals more success for you.  You must start using Facebook.
  3. You do not make it easy to like you. The Facebook like button and opportunity is something that you should be including on your business card, your blog, your website and/or landing page. You should have a call to action that requests to be liked. 
  4. You do not share the love. If it’s all about you, you are turning people off. For example, you only use Facebook to announce your product or event: we mean you.  People are on social media to engage and not to feel used. You love it when someone likes your post and the same is true for other people and their businesses.
  5. You are not posting interesting content and links from others. If you find some content interesting, share it. Your fans will appreciate it.  Share exciting new trends and links to similar interests and you become a resource of information.

How do you use your Facebook Fan Page? Tell us on our Facebook Fan Page!

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